Thursday 10 December 2009

Creating Fur

For the camel and the face of the walrus.

1) selected the fur and hair tool in the modify menu.
2) by changing the density, number of hairs, hair colour and then the cut and comb tools i was able to create the effect that I wanted.

Creating the Whale

1) I was able to find reference pictures for both the side and the top of the whale so creating the whale's body was quite easy. First i created a ring the same way I did before and then I editing the shape from the top to create the whale's body.
2) Then I used Unwrap UVW and selected edit. This showed the polygons all flat on a plane. I connected the right edges together to complete the shape. Then by placing a picture over the top I was able to add the black and white detail to the killer whale.

How I Created the Walrus Part Two

1) I couldn't get this fin too look right so I did it again. I created a ring like I did before but I cut the shape so it went into two sections. By editing the shape I was able to create a fin.
2) To add detail to the face I created another shape to create the lips and added it to the face.