Thursday 10 December 2009

Creating Fur

For the camel and the face of the walrus.

1) selected the fur and hair tool in the modify menu.
2) by changing the density, number of hairs, hair colour and then the cut and comb tools i was able to create the effect that I wanted.

Creating the Whale

1) I was able to find reference pictures for both the side and the top of the whale so creating the whale's body was quite easy. First i created a ring the same way I did before and then I editing the shape from the top to create the whale's body.
2) Then I used Unwrap UVW and selected edit. This showed the polygons all flat on a plane. I connected the right edges together to complete the shape. Then by placing a picture over the top I was able to add the black and white detail to the killer whale.

How I Created the Walrus Part Two

1) I couldn't get this fin too look right so I did it again. I created a ring like I did before but I cut the shape so it went into two sections. By editing the shape I was able to create a fin.
2) To add detail to the face I created another shape to create the lips and added it to the face.

Wednesday 11 November 2009

Wednesday 4 November 2009

Walrus Reference Pictures

Camel Reference Pictures

How I created my Walrus - Part One

Was actually a lot easier than creating a camel.

1) just like I did for the camel I created the walrus' body, head and nose. I didn't use the symmetry tool so I could edit the shapes because according to my reference pictures the shape of the body was pretty good already. Using the attach and wield tools I attached all the pieces together and then used turbo smooth.
2) I did the same thing to create the tusks.
3) to create the fin. I created one side of the fin, and then cloned the shape and rotated it round to create the other side. I then cut this shape in half and created a symmetry to make the fin flatter.

to be continued...


How I Created My Camel - Part Two

1) Using similar technique with the camels body I created a neck and head. Deleting half and using symmetry tool I was able to make them the right shapes and move them into the correct positions on the camel.
2) To create the end of the head I created a sphere that had the same amount of segments as the front of the head. Deleting the right segments on the sphere I was able to join the sphere to the head using the attach tool and then made all the segments line up using the wheld tool.
3) I then tidyed up where the legs met the camels body to make the joins look right.

SWOT Analysis

Strengths - Camel looks pretty good. Know what I am doing now and I'm confident putting animals together.

Weaknesses - I try hard, but animals still look a bit basic. Using the software is complicated.

Opportunities - To become better at creating 3D animation.

Threats - Time constrait. I want to include more details but I have got two other animals to complete.

Wednesday 28 October 2009


One completed camel leg, one half finished camel leg, no turbo smooth.

How I created my camel. Part One

1) I got a reference profile picture of a camel. Turned it into a material and put the material onto a plane. I then made the picture to scale so it wasn't stretched by going to UWV map, then choosing bitmap fit and then choosing the original file.
2) Then I created a cylinder in front of the plain and selected 'edit poly'. I then deleted all of the shape, including the ends, so I only had one ring. Then by using the move and scale tools I made it so the edge of the cylinder ring match that of the reference picture on the plane.
3) By holding down shift I created another ring and did the same until the whole body of the camel was covered.
4) Then by deleting half of the shape I was able to create a mirror of the body, this means I can edit one side and the other will be effected also. I then by using the move tools I made the shape look a lot more like a camels body.
5) I then selected 'turbo smooth' to see what the body looked like. It looked like a deflating balloon or two kids hiding under a sheet (I'm not happy). I took turbo smooth off and smoothed all the vector lines. When I had done this I was much happier with it.
6) I then did the same technique to create the four legs.
7) When I had created all four legs, I used the scale tool to make them all the same size and then using all the perspectives I moved them onto the right places on the camels body.

To be continued...

Friday 16 October 2009

Plans Two

Three stamps each from a different habitat.

Desert Theme - Camel
Ocean Theme - Killer Whale
Ar tic Theme - Walrus

Wednesday 14 October 2009

Can You Guess?


The plan for my stamps are to have several animals on one stamp with each stamp being a different habitat. But I think i'm going to have to rethink this as it is taking a while to create one animal and I might run out of time.

Sunday 27 September 2009

Research Board

It's a biodiversity research board.

Wednesday 23 September 2009

Perhaps Not the Best Way to Start.

A stamp sounds small so not sure how much imformation you can put on one.

If i have enough room might do three different enviroments with examples of the animals and plants. If not then choose one enviroment then have a plant, herbivore then carnivore.